July 5, 2019

A new threat to users on “Incoming Calls” – VISHING

VISHING – a new way of hacking people, to steal amount from their bank account, credit card and similar. Recently, some people received a call on their mobile phone and affected. They lost approx. Rs. 80,000 within 05 minutes from their personal credit card account. This communication is to inform you and understand the scam to safeguard yourself. VISHING calls are drastically increased across India due to no/less awareness on this fraud.

VISHING (Phishing through Voice) is a verbal communication (e.g. VOIP or phone calls) used by an unauthorized person "pretending" to be from reputable bank/company. Their aim is to manipulate individuals into revealing financial information or transferring money to them.

How it happens?
  1. Hacker obtains information from various sources, e.g. social media, e-commerce sites, leaked database, unsecured app installed in user phone etc.
  2. Hacker calls victim and pretends to be an official from reputed organization, e.g. bank, company etc.
  3. Hacker convinces victim that they are from real company and they do have good offers/benefits for victim, e.g. reward points, cashback, coupon codes etc.
  4. Victim falls for it and tries to claim it as per guidance.
  5. Hackers dictates instructions to victims to claim it.
  6. Hackers uses account details shared by victims immediately.

How to protect yourself from Vishing?
  1. Do not rely on unknown calls and never share vital information to them.
  2. Disconnect the call immediately in case of any doubt.
  3. Call the bankers/company to their numbers only provided on their websites or official sites.
  4. Do not install unsecured apps in your smart phone. Installing any such apps asks for permission to access contacts, media, files from your phone. Once you granted the access, consider you are hacked. These apps can read messages (e.g. OTP received, emails etc.), personal details, or other contents from your phone.
  5. Never share OTP, CVV, ATM PIN of your card, or any such vital account details.

February 3, 2018

Session Storage - a client-side state management technique

In web application development, storing values in client side has limited options and those have their own limitations. For example, it can be hard to store data manipulated using web scripting languages as jQuery, JavaScript etc. Most of the time user prefer to store such data in session variable, to avoid overhead calculation of data or reading it again from repository.

HTML5 has introduced additional client-side state management variable called “session storage”. This is supportable to the browser which does support HTML5, as IE 8/above, Firefox 3/above, Safari 4/above etc. Session storage can store string type of variable in client side in simple and easy steps. Reading and writing in to session storage is quite simple. An example is shown below, please note the code is written using jQuery.

Set a value in session storage:
sessionStorage.setItem("name", “Navin Pandit”);

Read a value from session storage:


Store an object data

To store an object data in session storage, you need to convert it in to string type. An simple example given below, shows to store an object data.

var obj = {“name”:”Navin Pandit”, “country”: “India”, “url”:”navinpandit.blogspot.in”};
sessionStorage.setItem("myObj", JSON.stringify(obj));

var obj = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("myObj"));

January 27, 2017

Failed to call controller method using AJAX in MVC 4 when deployed in IIS Server

Have you ever faced this issue in ASP.NET MVC? I found this issue after deploying my MVC application in IIS server, I shocked as it was working fine in local system but in hosting server it was not. Tried to search solution over the net but non of the solution worked for me. Finally I changed the URL verb and it was resolved. The detail of error is given below, hope it will be useful for someone.


Failed to load data..{"readyState":4,"responseText":....some HTML tag..\r\n \r\n The resource cannot be found.\r\n \r\n


Solution is pretty simple, use "../" in your SRC instead of "~" symbol.

Updated on https://www.codeproject.com/Answers/790566/Failed-to-call-controller-method-using-AJAX-in-MVC?cmt=914340